Thursday, September 2, 2010

To vomit or not to vomit, that is the question!!

Not to vomit I say!  I have seen K get sick after anesthesia more than once so I wasn't sure how sick she might be from the first chemo.  She was given some pretty potent stuff.  I have to tell you we invoked the help of prayer and positive thinking.  Then we mixed in taking the side effect meds exactly as instructed.  Result?  So far the side effects have been manageable.


  1. That's GREAT NEWS.... I say let's have all the treatments go this way! Cathi and I are saying prayers and sending LOTS OF POSITIVE ENERGY your way!

  2. Richard and Kimmy:

    Thank you for inviting me into your personal journey. Kimmy you have been strong and determined for as long as I have known you and I can see you now with all the strength, courage, and love to get you through this! I love you and I am praying daily. I'll be honest...I say "NO" to the vomit question as well!

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