Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Men of the blog!

Men, the ladies are making us look pretty bad with all those gorgeous pictures.  I thought about suggesting we post some of our own pics, sporting our bare chests, only to realize this would further humiliate us.  I guess if they post more pics, we will be forced to just sit here and "take it". ;)

Kimmy's treatments are presently 3 weeks apart, so there will be times then there isn't as much to say.  This is one of them, with the 2nd treatment scheduled for next Wednesday.  Two weeks since the first treatment, and Kimmy is back to flexing in the bathroom mirror and beating me at arm wrestling.  :))  I just want to say thanks so very much to each of you for supporting K and I.  The support is so important and believe me when I say we are leaning on each of you in different ways.  This is truly an experience that rewards the disciplined mind.  Keeping focused on doing what you are supposed to do and the day in front of you is so important.  This is one of the places that all of the positive support really helps.  It's like a reminder of where to focus our energy.


  1. That's so funny Richard! time to enact the Old Spice commercials with BBK!! LOL
    Big hugs to my favorite Hayes'
    Love to you both :)

  2. To view chest hair or muscles has never been important. To watch an Eagle fly, catch prey and care for the female who allowed him to choose her is awesome. To understand and accept support from extended family and friends is part of being human. May it always be so for both of you. With so much positive energy flowing, how could it be otherwise?

  3. Richard, can't help but smile at your post and at MJ's response! :-) We miss traveling with our Kimmy and miss being with her. Anyway to make Kimmy smile...makes us smile too.

    I'm sorry I'm not going to be there for this round of chemo. You're both in our thoughts & prayers! We love you both!

    P.S. Great view, Leximou!
