Monday, October 25, 2010

Q & A about chemo

I'm three down of the four BBC's (Big Bad Chemos). I can't wait to get the last out of the way even as I'm dreading it.
It occurred to me last night that so many people have questions about the actual chemo and side effects, etc., and they mostly seem afraid to ask for fear of being intrusive (which you're not! It doesn't bother me :-)) But I thought I'd post a blog illuminating some of the mystery.
Day of chemo, Richie and I go see Dr. Shah my primary oncologist. She gives me a look-over and says some encouraging words then sends me off for breakfast and then chemo.
After we check in, we wait maybe five minutes then get told a room number ("room 1" or "room 5", etc.) we go down a hall and find our room and pick a corner. Each room has either two or four corners with two lazy boys in each corner. The nurses are funny and nice and there are always volunteers who come and ask if we need drinks or blankets. (I never need a blanket because Lara Finer, a friend through Richard, made me one :-))
There's always other patients with their respective loved ones sharing the room and they always say hi.
The first two treatments I met some ladies who told me they'd been at this for a very long time. Four years for one lady, three for another. They said in their cases, the cancer had shrunk with the chemo, but before the docs could operate, the cancer grew back. They look tired and dry. One looked especially brittle, like a twig or kindling wood. Bless them, they just keep at it. I prayed for them (silently) and asked not to be in their seat. Six months is enough for me.
Anywho, the nurse tests my blood to make sure my chemical levels are down and my platelets and other things are up and if everything is copacetic, she hooks the IV's of chemical bags to my port. (It's a plastic port, under my skin, already attached to a primary vein so they don't have to puncture anything but skin each time.)
An hour and a half later, I leave.
When I get home, I have a brand new bike tire hanging off my belly that lasts for a few days. I'm thirsty and drink and drink, but never get un-dry. I don't feel too bad day one and two because I take anti-nausea meds and steroids in pill form that gives me energy. I take advantage of these days, exercising and cleaning and feeling alive. Day three I start to feel a little dizzy, nothing too major, then I go in for my blood count shot. The chemo targets fast growing cells, and your white and red blood cells are fast growing, so after a few days, these counts drop. This kills off your immunity system as well as making it hard for your blood to clot, cuts to heal, etc.
I can attest to the slow healing process. I twisted my ankle a few days before I started all this and it's still not right. I got two little blisters on my thumbs after kayaking and they got worse, not better. And don't even ask about my teeth. Really.
OK, so the shot. It boosts my blood count. Blood mostly grows in your bones, so for some reason, this shot makes your bones ache. I tell people it feels a little like being a used pinyata (spelling?!) Everywhere feels bruised for several days (days four through six) Then this fades. Yay!
Around day four I get off the nausea meds and deal with a little queeziness. No big deal now that I learned to stay on the pills longer!
All along I loathe the bloat. Richie tells me not to lose sight of the goal, to kill the cancer, whenever I start complaining about my blossoming mid-section. My ever positive sunshiney sister Yvette says I can look forward to fooling my metabolism when this is all done. It will be asleep at the wheel when I ramp up my exercise.
Now weird little things start happening. Like my mouth. It sort of throbs. It doesn't hurt while this happens. It's just strange to feel your heart beat in your GUMS! But the throbbing sensation warned me to be on the lookout for that lovely litttle herpes virus I have and sure enough, it caught me last go round and is hanging about. The first blister occurred in an unusual place for me, in my back molar gum, but has since hit its regular favorite spots, my tongue and my lip. Yesterday the lip blistered a bit, but not too terribly bad. I got something called magic mouthwash from the pharmacy. NAsty stuff. But it numbs my mouth.
Ok, so there's a little stomach upset that happened this time. I'd previously noted swallowing bubbles burned. No more beer, and more importantly and horribly, no champagne! Boo! But I digress.
Each time, the burning got a little worse and affected a little bigger area. It's like this: I swallow anything and it burns its way down to my belly. Sometimes burns its way back up to my throat. I don't mean this as a complaint, just as a bit of info for anyone who's interested and so you might know for anyone who might ever go through this. It fades away, too! and is gone now so long as I stay away from bubbles. Especially bubbles with alcohol. That's not too hard really, cuz you don't really want it. Occasionally, you think you do, then you take a sip and realize no, you don't. (except once in a blue moon when you do! :-))
Fatigue was a major issue the first round. A little less the second, and this time, it seems even less, although i may have gotten better at managing it. Sometimes you just have to sit down. Sometimes even when you're walking your dogs. So I do.
Exercise seems to be the key to feeling good. Not high intensity, but long work outs that keep your blood flowing and your lungs breathing in oxygen. Bike rides, walking, kayaking, pilates. I really love yoga and everyone knows I miss the running, but now that my knee's on the mend, I'm waiting for my ankle to catch up. I assume this is all part of the plan. Can you say slow down?

People ask me how I deal with the boredom. Can I please tell you I (almost) never get bored! For one thing, I don't have time. Things like laundry and cleaning and walking my dogs take much longer than they used to. I spend time talking with family and friends, mostly via phone and email, but also in planned, spaced, get-togethers. I still exercise and what used to take forty minutes takes an hour and a half. I rest.
And then there's the writing. Most of you know I've written a few books and have been trying to get an agent and get published for going on five years now. I can sit and write for hours, and I do, and the time flies by.
I hope this hasn't been too boring, and that it answers some of the questions you might have had about this whole chemo thing.
Oh, yes, one more thing people always wonder. The treatment schedule. The last of the BBC's is November 3rd. Starting November 22nd, I start my once-a-week treatments, and they go through February 7th. It's going to be one drug and I hear the side effects are minimal. To the ladies who are planning to visit me in January, I can't wait! Richard has already agreed to make a "sacrifice" and go away on some boys trip so we can take over the house :-) I just need a date!
Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Goldie's Angels and Kimberly's Krew

I have to post a big thank you for all the wonderful folks who went above and beyond this weekend walking as warriors in the fight against cancer in my name! In VA Beach a whole slew of ladies and a few men and kids walked their tails off. In Orlando another "Krew" went to town. I'm just stunned and awed and grateful for all the love and support.

Here's a list of Goldie's Angels--MJ White, the organizer, and her two beautiful sons Connor and Dylan. Dylan's little girlfriend was there too! And Girlfriend's mom. :-) Audra drove up from Orlando with her whole beautiful family, Mike and Kai and Kelana. As Lon put it, her kids are so darned cute you could eat em. Several girls flew in--a big deal when you consider how much we fly--Mary-Beth, Tangie, Tangela, Lon, Kristy, Alex, and Collyd, one of the original VA Beach fly girls :-) In that exclusive group you have Merrillee, Sara, Erin, Kerry (Now a tampa commuter), Heather, and Jennifer. Thank you so much for hosting all the ladies and the events! I also saw Mel's mom in some of the pre-photos! kisses to all of you! Please pass on my thanks, too, for all the great jewelry you bought that allowed me to take home some beautiful Mysilpada Jewels! I can't wait till next year when we will all run that race together :-).
In Orlando, I was so touched by the ladies who walked. Again, just above and beyond. Kimmy and her daughter Mary-anne, Renee and her daughter Camryn, Luz and her mother Odilia, Tina, Luis, and Josh, and Tammi and Maria.
Thank you all, and congratulations on earning over $4300.00.
You rock!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Post copied from an email from my dear friend Sue Arbuckle, aka Freckles, aka Toots

The following is a precious email I received from my friend Freckles, aka Sue Arbuckle, aka, (and her alter ego) Toots.
This little stuffed animal Bunny is ME! And, as you'll see, I'm getting lots of love and cuddles and prayers, and the description was too good not to share. :-)

What does that sweet little bunny do when she isn't hanging with the Dawgs on Thursday night? Well, I am glad you asked. The first week of September bunny came home with Freckles as a special prayer friend. Frex and Stix spent that week with bunny and every time they gave her a hug, they gave her a prayer. Boy did we love us our bunny time. However, it wasn't too long before Flutter learned about that very special bunny that Dawgs were praying with and she exclaimed, "I need me some bunny time!" So off our furry little friend hopped to Flutter's house. Bunny was very happy with Flutter. Flutter has a beautiful, loving dog named Herbie and they loved each other so much! Flutter and Herbie prayed with bunny every day! But you know how word travels...Crash and Strutter had arrived from the great west and were home for only two days and they DEMANDED, "GIVE US THE BUNNY!" I must tell you. Strutter and Crash just loved having their morning coffee and prayer
time with that sweet little bunny. They weren't ready to let our adorable, loving, prayerful bunny go...but away she went...Scrunch and Scootch just had to take her home. Well...if you are feeling a WHOLE LOTTA LOVE RIGHT NOW...Mr. and Mrs. OAD finally have bunny. They have been patiently waiting in line for a while. They just collected her this evening. Mrs. OAD didn't put her down all night. Every time I looked over, she had bunny in her arms or on her lap giving her loads of TLC!! It was a beautiful thing!! Now Mr. and Mrs. OAD will spend their time with bunny much like the rest of us. Giving her lots of love and praying with her every day! Why? Because we love us our bunny/Bunny!

So now you know, the rest of the story.

I love you, Bunny!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dr. Visit, Treatment Today

Well we were bound to get good at this if we kept trying.  K had her pre-treatment visit with Dr. Shah and all went well.  Dr. Shah feels the lump(s) are getting smaller and are soft.  Most importantly, the "pinkness" (IBC symptom) is minimal.  Just like last visit, the news is as good as it can be.  Everything checked out so we went for the 3rd Chemo treatment.  We got home mid afternoon, had a snack and Kimmy took a little nap.  She is out riding her bike as I type.  The crappiness seems to set in over the coming days but overall she is tolerating the treatments very well.  I'm convinced it is due in part to her excellent overall physical condition.  ;)  Ok, not that!  I mean her fitness!  But she looks so damn fine, too.  And, I have to give God the big nod as well.  So far we have been blessed in this process.

Add to the list of things I never thought I would do:  shave my wife's head!  I talked her out of the mohawk.

My wife is so very brave.  She goes about all of this with her chin up.  We have our ups and downs, but she keeps on going and rarely complains, even though she has earned the right.

Once she is past the worst of the side effects, we will be looking at the 4th and final of these "3 week treatments".  I think we both feel finishing the 4th will be a milestone.  Late November she starts 12 weeks of weekly treatments and Dr. Shah says there is less nausea resulting from those.  Also, we will be half way through the planned 6 months of chemo.  The "chemo first" type of treatment plan is a newer method of treatment for IBC.  The idea is to shrink the cancer in order to get a better shot at removing all of it with surgery.

My cousin Patty from Boston tells us Tufts has an IBC Center.  We are very happy with MD Anderson but we will explore our options just to have all the bases covered.  I'll post an update in a few days about how Kimberly is feeling.  Love and thanks to all!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

An Update and An Outing

I'm a bit remiss in posting but I want to update everyone on how K is doing.  She had what I would call a 10 day hangover from her last treatment.  Nausea, fatigue, headaches and generally feeling crappy.  She fights each day and if she is up to it, she exercises.  Seems like that is always a positive, even if it wears her out.  She also experienced some localized soreness that affected her ability to eat for a few days but she managed to get it under control.  And, the Friday shot makes her sore all over.  I'm sitting here describing all of this but it's hard for anyone who hasn't worn the shoes to know what it's really like.  I have a new appreciation for anyone who battles this disease.

We were housebound all weekend but I have converted and love it.  We are attempting to set a netflix record.  I'm betting we get it and you all see us on TV.  K will be doing those lotion commercials.

Wednesday evening K, Scott and I went to the UCF football game.  We grabbed some Chipotle on the way and scarfed it in the lot outside the stadium.  Then we went in and watch the game with our usual seatmates, Paul & Cathi, Napoor, Steve and Sky and EJ and Brett.  The weather was beautiful.  We made it to half time and headed out.  Kimmy was a bit worn out but we had fun.  We don't go to crowded places anymore so I think she enjoyed it.  Tonight it's an early din-din with Eddie and Rosemary.

She is also enjoying hearing from family and friends and having some home cookin' from many kind souls.  Thanks to everyone for the prayers and everything you are doing. 

Well I think that is about it.  3rd "three week treatment" is next Wednesday.  We have only one more after that then it's weekly treatments for another 12 weeks.  Hopefully we get more good news from Dr. Shah!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Dawg HH

I am lucky enough to be a member of the greatest and best running group ever. It's called Winter Park Dawgs. Ever heard of it? Maybe you've seen one of the "A" group dashing past you at a stop sign near Park Ave? Or maybe you caught me trying to catch up back in the day I could actually run :-)

This group came about due to the compelling personality of our fearless leader, OAD, (Old Anal Dawg,aka John Corbett). He transplanted here from Atlanta several years ago and, being a superb athlete who loves to socialize, slowly began to accumulate fellow athletes who love people.

Of course, it couldn't be that simple or that boring. To join this group, one must first "declare." In other words, bark real loud and shout, "I wanna be a dawg!" After gaining wannbe status, you have to earn Dawg points. 6 in all (I think...?)
THEN, OAD names you. :-) It's all very exciting as the weeks go by and you wonder just what puppy name he will associate with you. There's all sorts. There's OAD himself (an appropriate name if ever there was one.) Mrs. OAD. (We all agree he could've done better with this one :-) Sharon could be called Lucky or Patience depending on the day! heehee), Dear Footy, who makes little foot noises as he runs by you, Freckles who has the most adorable freckles and bright white smile, Stick man, who's tall and lean like a stick man. Crash--he used to be with ATC, and his wife Strutter--she race walks. Gabby, a non-stop motor mouth. Stork--she thinks she got her name cause she has long legs, which she does, but she also has a boat load of kids. hmmm.
There's Yogi. (That's Babette :-))
I thought I might get Booboo.
I got the best name ever and OAd did give me the story behind it once. My name came about due to intangibles in my estimation. (In other words, I wasn't sure why I was so lucky, but I liked it! I understand a certain dawg lobbied for my name once, and she got Froggy instead heehee)
I'm BUNNY! yay!
On Thursdays, after a morning's long run and an afternoon rehashing said run at Einstein's, OAD and much of our pack meet at Outback's for happy hour to bond over beers and, later, tacos at Tijuana Flats. This Thursday was no exception. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend--or so I thought. Freckles sent me the following picture. You can see her winning smile and that's my OAD peeking out from behind her. As Freckles put it, I am smack dab in the center of attention!