Friday, December 31, 2010
Thoughts on 2010 and the year ahead
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Ten things
Monday, December 27, 2010
Upcoming treatment
Monday, December 13, 2010
Just couldn't wait to post
Saturday, December 11, 2010
A Good Day
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Three Treatments Down!
That is all that I can think of at the moment.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Tis the Season
Monday, November 22, 2010
Today's Treatment - Taxol
Dr./Onc RN:
"You are switching to weekly Taxol treatments. It is an easier drug to tolerate than the multi drug cocktail you were on. There are a few side effects but you shouldn't be as nauseous."
"Oh. Sounds better. What are the side effects?"
Dr./Onc RN:
"Oh, well your fingernails and toenails will probably turn black and fall off. You will still be fatigued and may need to take amino acids for it. Oh, and we have to monitor drug toxicity. It can cause permanent damage. Your fingers and toes will tingle and go numb. That's ok as long as the feeling subsides."
"Sounds much better."
One thing we have learned, though, is they feel they have to prepare you for everything that can happen to you, including the worst. We are hoping, praying and believing that K will dodge the worst of it. :) I continue to believe her overall health and stamina are paying dividends.
So getting back to today, after the pre-meds she got the Taxol and we made our way home. Did I forget to mention the cruller from Duncan Donuts? K is wiped out and has just crashed in bed for a nap. On days when things change it's a bit stressful. So far, so good. We shall see.
Thanks so much to everyone for all of the loving support. You have no idea how much it helps us. Kimberly wanted me to mention that she got a couple of calls but is just too tired to get on the phone right now.
K has written the last few updates and after reading her posts, I nearly retired my keyboard, having had my writing skills shown up so thoroughly. Instead, I have given each of us nicknames. What do you think?
Me: Ham-hander
K: Velvet Scribe
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Days go by
It's hard to believe three of the six months of chemo have passed. I think I made it through the first three months of "bad chemo" pretty well. They tell me the next three months won't be "as bad." Not as much nausea, no neulasta shot (the shot that makes me feel like a used pinata). And? I say. What else won't I get? Will bloating be a thing of the past?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The Ongoing Saga of little bunny :-)
Forwarded from an email from my friend, Freckles, aka Toots. (Like Tootsie, but without the ie)
She was feeling very spry today and she hopped out of bed early.
(Wasn't easy for Frex. I was watching football until midnight) Lil Bunny had loads of energy so I brought her straight down to kindergarten to spend the day. She was loved on by a roomful of five year olds ALL DAY LONG! They sang with Lil Bunny and hugged on LB and read to LB. Suffice it to say, LB wasn't thinking it could get much better. Because I felt challenged to see if I could kick it up a notch for that sweet little hare, I brought her to a prayer service at my church tonight. I just got home now. (Notice LB didn't return with
me) LB sat in the pews and soaked up all the prayers and songs in church. Several people stopped and asked about LB and once they heard her/your story, why they stopped right there and hit their knees and started praying too. LB has that effect on EVERYONE! Peeps was at church and when I saw the look in her eyes while she was watching LB all evening, I did offer her some quality time with the bunny. Of course LB made her night! LB will be with Peeps this week. Seems kinda fitting, Bunny and Peeps hanging out, sharing the love.
I love you, Bunny!
Hugs from Frex AKA Toots
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The only way out is through...with the help of an angel or fifty
If you're scared don't show it
You might get out
Before the devil even knows you're there
If you're going through hell
Keep on moving, face that fire
Walk right through it
You might get out
Before the devil even knows you're there
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
4th and final major chemo treatment tomorrow
Monday, October 25, 2010
Q & A about chemo
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Goldie's Angels and Kimberly's Krew
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Post copied from an email from my dear friend Sue Arbuckle, aka Freckles, aka Toots
time with that sweet little bunny. They weren't ready to let our adorable, loving, prayerful bunny go...but away she went...Scrunch and Scootch just had to take her home. Well...if you are feeling a WHOLE LOTTA LOVE RIGHT NOW...Mr. and Mrs. OAD finally have bunny. They have been patiently waiting in line for a while. They just collected her this evening. Mrs. OAD didn't put her down all night. Every time I looked over, she had bunny in her arms or on her lap giving her loads of TLC!! It was a beautiful thing!! Now Mr. and Mrs. OAD will spend their time with bunny much like the rest of us. Giving her lots of love and praying with her every day! Why? Because we love us our bunny/Bunny!
So now you know, the rest of the story.
I love you, Bunny!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Dr. Visit, Treatment Today
Add to the list of things I never thought I would do: shave my wife's head! I talked her out of the mohawk.
My wife is so very brave. She goes about all of this with her chin up. We have our ups and downs, but she keeps on going and rarely complains, even though she has earned the right.
Once she is past the worst of the side effects, we will be looking at the 4th and final of these "3 week treatments". I think we both feel finishing the 4th will be a milestone. Late November she starts 12 weeks of weekly treatments and Dr. Shah says there is less nausea resulting from those. Also, we will be half way through the planned 6 months of chemo. The "chemo first" type of treatment plan is a newer method of treatment for IBC. The idea is to shrink the cancer in order to get a better shot at removing all of it with surgery.
My cousin Patty from Boston tells us Tufts has an IBC Center. We are very happy with MD Anderson but we will explore our options just to have all the bases covered. I'll post an update in a few days about how Kimberly is feeling. Love and thanks to all!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
An Update and An Outing
We were housebound all weekend but I have converted and love it. We are attempting to set a netflix record. I'm betting we get it and you all see us on TV. K will be doing those lotion commercials.
Wednesday evening K, Scott and I went to the UCF football game. We grabbed some Chipotle on the way and scarfed it in the lot outside the stadium. Then we went in and watch the game with our usual seatmates, Paul & Cathi, Napoor, Steve and Sky and EJ and Brett. The weather was beautiful. We made it to half time and headed out. Kimmy was a bit worn out but we had fun. We don't go to crowded places anymore so I think she enjoyed it. Tonight it's an early din-din with Eddie and Rosemary.
She is also enjoying hearing from family and friends and having some home cookin' from many kind souls. Thanks to everyone for the prayers and everything you are doing.
Well I think that is about it. 3rd "three week treatment" is next Wednesday. We have only one more after that then it's weekly treatments for another 12 weeks. Hopefully we get more good news from Dr. Shah!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Dawg HH
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Good news and bad news and thoughts on India
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Chemo 2
Monday, September 20, 2010
Weekend haircut.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Men of the blog!
Kimmy's treatments are presently 3 weeks apart, so there will be times then there isn't as much to say. This is one of them, with the 2nd treatment scheduled for next Wednesday. Two weeks since the first treatment, and Kimmy is back to flexing in the bathroom mirror and beating me at arm wrestling. :)) I just want to say thanks so very much to each of you for supporting K and I. The support is so important and believe me when I say we are leaning on each of you in different ways. This is truly an experience that rewards the disciplined mind. Keeping focused on doing what you are supposed to do and the day in front of you is so important. This is one of the places that all of the positive support really helps. It's like a reminder of where to focus our energy.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Hello Kimmy!

It all started with my first day missed from work. Lon went to the gate with the news I had been diagnosed with cancer. Thus was born "Hello Kimmy" which morphed into "Hola Kimmy" and now has bloomed into BBK. I won't tell you what the letters stand for, only that they are what Lon named my paper doll she takes everywhere with her. I can tell you Lon didn't like the idea of calling me "Flat Kimmy" after "Flat Stanley." She didn't like the connotation :-) Maybe you can figure it out...Anyway, my beautiful friends have been flying around the world and never fail to let me know I am being thought of and loved every minute.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
puppies and ice cream...
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Greetings From Goldie
To vomit or not to vomit, that is the question!!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Port placed and first chemo
She managed to eat a bit before they started (no food since the night before) the treatment around noon. She was quite brave for both events, I have to say I was impressed. Finally I stepped on her toe really hard so she would cry. ;) It was good to get the fight started. Lon was home taking care of the dogs, making din-din and handling a few other things so we didn't have to think about any of that. Audra dropped by with some really delish looking meat pie and wine as well. So many people have reached out to my Kimmy, all in different but meaningful ways. We thank you all.
Kimmy got to feeling pretty crappy but she has rebounded nicely this evening and is down on the couch now. One treatment in the bag! The next few days she will rest and stay on all kinds of meds for treatment side effects. Hopefully we keep them under control and she isn't too sick.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
What kind of cancer does Kimberly have? We were a bit hesitant to post this. Initially they identified it as Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. However, there were still some unexplained symptoms and K and I pushed for more testing. The testing revealed that she also has Inflammatory Breast Cancer. This is a whole different thing than most other forms of breast cancer. It is a fast growing and spreading type of cancer and I will refrain from saying more. However, the fact that it seems we caught it early is huge. This also sped things up a bit, with a bit of gentle urging, begging, @ss kissing and plain old pushyness.
With IBC, you get best results if they treat with chemo before surgery. So tomorrow K has outpatient surgery to put a port in her chest, then her first Chemo starts afterward.
Goldie's Angels
Link: Goldie's Angels in Run for the Cure!
What this is all about.
Hello to all
If you are receiving this e-mail, we share something: an affinity for Kimberly Hayes. The past weeks have been a whirlwind for us. I have some serious news and there is no easy way to tell you. We found out a week ago Friday, after several tests and doctors’ visits, that Kimberly has breast cancer. Some of you already know this. On Wednesday of last week, we found out that it is a very serious form of the dreaded illness. We are still in shock. It takes time to adjust to the realization and all that goes with it.
We immediately moved to the process of seeing doctors and going through tests. We are gathering information so that the doctors can implement a treatment plan. Kimberly is being treated by the doctors at MD Anderson and she is getting the best care possible. We are cooperating, asking questions, reading and trying to add what we can to her treatment. We have been persistent about getting appointments quickly and the persistence has paid off. Every day is a long one, and we often find ourselves worn out at bed time. Kimberly is a strong woman, and we awake everyday full of fight and determination. We have been truly buoyed by our faith, our family and our friends. I never fully understood the strength of a circle like this, but it took only a week to realize what faith and great people can do when you face a real crisis.
You can help Kimberly. If you are a believer, put her in your prayers. If you are not, say a prayer for her anyway. We are starting a blog in the next day or so for those that want to keep up with what is going on with Kimberly. Thanks so much to all who have shown so much care, so much love. The support has been absolutely wonderful. Inspired. Extraordinary. And it has really helped. Of course I shouldn’t be surprised. Kimberly is one of the finest people I have ever known and I have the privilege of being married to her.
OK so what is left to say? Just that we are fighting and we won’t stop until Kimberly is 100% cancer free and healthy.
What's in a name?
You are right if you guess I didn't come up with the name. Goldie's Angels is the inspiration of friends and co-workers of Kimberly's. It's the "team" name of those who have absolutely put their hard hats on and gone to work supporting Kimberly and joining the fight against breast cancer. So why Goldie? Because Kimmy reminds so many of us of Goldie Hawn. More on Goldie's Angels shortly.
Don't expect me to reveal all the mysteries this easily...