Monday, November 22, 2010

Today's Treatment - Taxol

Hello all, just a quick update on today's treatment, the first of 13 weekly treatments of a single drug called Taxol (Paclitaxel).  K started with a blood test as usual to be sure everything looks ok before the treatment.  Her Platelets were high, which I understand is good.  Then they serve up several IV bags of various "pre-meds" aimed at knocking down side effects.  They have generally scared the crap out of us with possible side effects from this drug.  The conversation has gone something like:
Dr./Onc RN:
"You are switching to weekly Taxol treatments.  It is an easier drug to tolerate than the multi drug cocktail you were on.  There are a few side effects but you shouldn't be as nauseous."
"Oh.  Sounds better.  What are the side effects?"
Dr./Onc RN:
"Oh, well your fingernails and toenails will probably turn black and fall off.  You will still be fatigued and may need to take amino acids for it.  Oh, and we have to monitor drug toxicity.  It can cause permanent damage.  Your fingers and toes will tingle and go numb.  That's ok as long as the feeling subsides."
"Sounds much better."

One thing we have learned, though, is they feel they have to prepare you for everything that can happen to you, including the worst.  We are hoping, praying and believing that K will dodge the worst of it.  :)  I continue to believe her overall health and stamina are paying dividends.

So getting back to today, after the pre-meds she got the Taxol and we made our way home.  Did I forget to mention the cruller from Duncan Donuts?  K is wiped out and has just crashed in bed for a nap.  On days when things change it's a bit stressful.  So far, so good.  We shall see.

Thanks so much to everyone for all of the loving support.  You have no idea how much it helps us.  Kimberly wanted me to mention that she got a couple of calls but is just too tired to get on the phone right now.

K has written the last few updates and after reading her posts, I nearly retired my keyboard, having had my writing skills shown up so thoroughly.  Instead, I have given each of us nicknames.  What do you think?

Me:  Ham-hander

K:  Velvet Scribe


  1. Whenever I read these updates, internal mental struggle leaves me with so many emotions that words cannot cover everything rushing through the mind. I only want to convey positive to my child and yet, it is almost impossible to shrink from the reality of what must be to ensure her ongoing presence into the future. Perhaps it is the helplessness that is felt; the inability to intercede as a parent, to make thing right. Your words do just fine Richard. They convey what is needed to all of us who care. Thank you, Sylve

  2. Oh, Mom. I love you and your care means more than I can say! You may not be able to intercede, but you are doing your part to make things right. And your loving support of Richie is so wonderful, too!

  3. ((((((((KIMMY)))))))) & (((((((RICHARD))))))) We love you both! Kimmy, we're hoping & praying you will dodge the worst of the side effects! My heart breaks that you have to go through this! Get some rest and call me when you can! BTW, yippee for the DD cruller! :-)

  4. Velvet Scribe, I love it Ham-Hander :) You two were meant to blog... blogging poetic symphony, makes me smile.
    I hold you and your family in prayer and God's healing Light...may it shine on you always and give you hope and peace. Love love love always

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