Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What this is all about.

Here is a reprint from my August 26th e-mail:

Hello to all

If you are receiving this e-mail, we share something: an affinity for Kimberly Hayes. The past weeks have been a whirlwind for us. I have some serious news and there is no easy way to tell you. We found out a week ago Friday, after several tests and doctors’ visits, that Kimberly has breast cancer. Some of you already know this. On Wednesday of last week, we found out that it is a very serious form of the dreaded illness. We are still in shock. It takes time to adjust to the realization and all that goes with it.

We immediately moved to the process of seeing doctors and going through tests. We are gathering information so that the doctors can implement a treatment plan. Kimberly is being treated by the doctors at MD Anderson and she is getting the best care possible. We are cooperating, asking questions, reading and trying to add what we can to her treatment. We have been persistent about getting appointments quickly and the persistence has paid off. Every day is a long one, and we often find ourselves worn out at bed time. Kimberly is a strong woman, and we awake everyday full of fight and determination. We have been truly buoyed by our faith, our family and our friends. I never fully understood the strength of a circle like this, but it took only a week to realize what faith and great people can do when you face a real crisis.

You can help Kimberly. If you are a believer, put her in your prayers. If you are not, say a prayer for her anyway. We are starting a blog in the next day or so for those that want to keep up with what is going on with Kimberly. Thanks so much to all who have shown so much care, so much love. The support has been absolutely wonderful. Inspired. Extraordinary. And it has really helped. Of course I shouldn’t be surprised. Kimberly is one of the finest people I have ever known and I have the privilege of being married to her.

OK so what is left to say? Just that we are fighting and we won’t stop until Kimberly is 100% cancer free and healthy.


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