Friday, December 31, 2010

Thoughts on 2010 and the year ahead

I remember the night before my first chemo treatment, Lon, Richard, and I watched a little video called "Chemo and you," or something to that effect. The video follows three chemo patients and their side effects. Two of the three had some awful sounding stories. I remember looking at Lon and being terrified. Rashes, and mouth sores, and vomiting, oh my.
But there was a third guy who I also recall said something like, "I don't know why my reactions have been mild. I guess I'm just one of the lucky ones."
With chemo, there is no rhyme or reason.
During these last four and a half months of chemo, I've thought of that man often. because I am also one of the lucky ones. The first chemo cocktail (a combo of three chemicals) was a little rougher than the second sort (the taxol I'm on now) but even that wasn't too bad. I got nauseous, but didn't throw up. I got tired, but still had enough energy to exercise pretty regularly. I lost my hair, but...oh :-) There wasn't a good side to that. (Maybe the good side will be that my hair will grow back thick and wavy!!)
Now the nausea is almost always gone.
I was supposed to lose my nails and toenails, but so far only a few of my toes are blue. :-) I got very itchy with an allergic reaction to the taxol at first, but that has subsided. My skin is dry, but that's why God created baby oil. And guess what? My hair (we think) is starting to grow back!
The worst side effect is fatigue that comes and goes, and a low feeling that attaches itself to the most intense tiredness. But again, the fatigue comes and goes. I'm even able to run/walk once a week and do other forms of exercise which always makes me feel better. In general, I'm plugging right along. Why? Because I get plenty of rest? Because I'm lucky enough to be able to not fly the friendly skies right now (Thank you, honey.)? Because of my fitness level going into all this? That's most people's favorite reason for my general good luck with the chemo thing. But I happen to know of a very fit female athlete who had severe side effects on chemo.
My theory is prayer. I am being prayed for all over the world by so many people (most of whom don't even know me :-)).
It's new year's eve, a time to reflect on what's behind us and to look to the future with hopeful hearts as to what lies in store, and to be thankful.
I am thankful for my friends, and to God for allowing me to get through this so far, with relative ease, and for my family, who have all come through for me with buckets of love and support. (Is it so wrong to not want this mushy mid-section? Oops. Digressing.)
Please be safe on this new year's eve. Be good to your loves ones. Be good to yourself. And have a happy, healthy new year. See you in 2011! xxoo

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ten things

Ten things I'm thankful for (not necessarily in order)
1. My black dog club
2. My wonderful hubby
3. The Obey Giant
4. Two working legs
5. Texting
6. New days
7. Love
8. Antibiotics
9. Spring
10. Hope

I should've said twenty things...Oh well. Off to walk the black dog club on this sunny Florida day.
Note to self: Bloom where you're planted.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Upcoming treatment

This morning Richie went with me to our first consult with the doctor who will handle my radiation therapy. His name is Dr. Dvorak. He is absolutely awesome. Great bedside manner, very informative, very patient.
He explained the order of the treatments (chemo, surgery, radiation), why they recommend radiation therapy at all, and the possible downsides of radiation.
Apparently, up to, say, twenty years ago, if a woman (or man) developed inflammatory cancer, it was treated like any other breast cancer. Mastectomy. This treatment generally had a "poor outcome" for Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC).
So, post-surgery radiation got added to the treatment regimen. Generally, this two-fold treatment also had a "poor outcome."
If you're wondering what this "poor outcome" is, it's exactly what you think. Enough said on that.

Then the docs decided to add chemo at the start of the treatment. Thus was born the three-fold treatment. Aggressive Chemo-mastectomy-radiation. This generally has a better prognosis. This is the treatment course I'm on.

The treatment has to be aggressive like this, hunting down little rogue cancer sells, because IBC is a particularly aggressive cancer that travels via the lymphatic system. (Quick biology fyi for those of you who don't know or don't remember. Your lymphatic system resembles your vascular system. The channels course through your body, like your veins, but they carry disease fighting fluids instead of blood tissue. This is why when you get sick, your lymph nodes can swell. One of the main differences between the two systems is that the lymph system, unlike the vascular system, has no pump--aka heart.)
So, with this in mind, you can imagine how this cancer spreads. A malignant cell multiplies first in the breast tissue (I think?!) then the infected tissue leaks into the lymph nodes under the breast skin and finally permeates the skin on the chest. This is why the skin starts looking kind of pink. From there it travels into the lymph nodes under the arms, then rides the lymphatic system down the breast and up the chest wall--and it can go on from there, using the very system in place to carry disease fighting power to all parts of the body. Usually by the time people discover they have this cancer, it has travelled quite a bit, and is a level four. (Last stage)

Mine, however, was a level three-b, a miracle in itself.

I'm going to take you back to my initial diagnosis at this point. In my case, my diagnosing doc didn't think I had IBC. BUT, (luckily?!?) the IBC, being an aggressive bugger, latched onto the tiny, just-forming ductal carcinoma in my left breast. Now, ductal carcinoma is a notoriously slow growing cancer. As my mom explained at the time of my initial diagnosis, this cancer generally manifests as a little pea-sized lump. (She had this type of cancer twice, as well as another type, a second time) It is self contained, and is called "insitu" which translates loosely to "self-contained." Once it "pops" (think of a popcorn kernel) the cancer cells begin to travel, but this doesn't usually happen for over a YEAR. Am I losing you yet? :-) OK, So when I made the appointment with my doctor initially, I did so because my breast was pink. I had no lumps or bumps, therefore I wasn't in a great hurry to see her. I figured the odds were I had an infection, and the pink would go away and I would end up canceling the appointment that I had to keep moving to accommodate my work schedule. Over the month it took me to get in with the breast surgeon, however, the pink didn't go away. I started to worry I had IBC. Yet I also developed a lump. Over several WEEKS. IBC has no lumps. I was confused. This pointed again to the infection scenario.
Moving on. I asked my doctor about IBC right away, and right away she said she didn't think I had IBC, because my symptoms didn't match the usual symptoms--i.e., my breast didn't look that bad, and there was a lump.
But the lump itself concerned her, even though the lump we found, being rather large, didn't seem like it could be Ductal Carcinoma either, because it was too large. (Remember, ductal cancer manifests slowly, growing into a self-contained pea size over a year or more, and this thing had shown up over a period of weeks) She sent me for a mammogram, and followed up with a biopsy.
I think when the biopsy of the mass came back "invasive" ductal carcinoma, she thought, "Hmm." Because, why would a slow growing cancer show up and two weeks later already have blown past the "insitu" phase?
Answer: Inflammatory Breast Cancer.

I explain this to highlight just how damned aggressive this cancer is. In general, breast cancer is best treated by treating the post-op area with radiation to kill off any remaining cancer cells. But there is a down side. Enough to make me want to turn tail and run the other way. Some patients opt to take this "wait and see" route, skipping the radiation. Only I really can't because of the aggressive nature of IBC. Basically, if the docs don't get all the inflammatory cancer cells with the chemo-surgery route, and I skip the radiation, by the time they find the recurrence (30-40% chance likelihood) the docs will have a hard time stopping it the second go-round. (The "bad prognosis" outcome.)


Onto the nitty-gritty treatment details, upside, and downside. March 23, two and a half weeks after my surgery (March 1?) I will go in for a cat scan and node mapping. They'll put tiny little tattoos on my skin to mark the areas they will shoot with the lazer. A week later, the treatments will begin. Monday through Friday, for six and a half weeks, I'll go in for a mini suntan. Other than being really time consuming, this isn't supposed to hurt all that bad. It will rear its head as...tada!...fatigue. My current shadow.

The radiation will cover the skin, the small amount of remaining breast tissue, the lymph nodes under my arm. My neck. My chest wall. Then I will be done with "treatment," with only surgery left down the road.

Doesn't sound too bad. can affect my heart, since part of the beam may hit my heart. which can lead to increased chances for heart attack down the road. The good news is, this is the least likely problem for me due to my over all good-health.
Then there's the possibility it can leave my skin funky so reconstruction doesn't come out right. It also means I have to wait six to nine months for reconstruction surgery, while the irradiated skin heals. This just sounds so long to be stuck in this cancer phase of my life when added to the time already invested.

Radiation can damage my nerves running down my arm, to affect the use of my hand.

Radiation can affect the remaining lymph nodes under my arm (cancer and surgery will have already left their mark), causing scar tissue so I get a back log of lymphatic fluid. The arm swells in this case--a condition known as lymph-edema.

These outcomes are all uncertain, and so far down the line. And when compared to death, they shouldn't seem so bad. But they do. I don't want this to go on and on. I don't want to wear this disease like an ugly dress. I want to get back to being active. If I get lymph-edema, I won't ever be able to lift heavy things without triggering a reaction. And I just won't know till I know. It doesn't always happen, but it happens more than a little bit of the time.

These are all long-term, life-style changing ramifications of radiation therapy. In my heart, I want to say "up your bum" to it. But then I think of Richie, and family and friends, and I know I won't run away from the treatment because...the because is obvious.

My heart is heavy. But I close my eyes and remind myself every day is a new day. I only have to get through one day at a time, like everyone else. This I can do, with God's grace, He is a lamp to my feet on a starless, moonless night. He light's my path through a thicket of brambles, showing me the direction I should take and clearing the way for me. He sends angels to hold my hand, to hold me up, and to distract me from myself at times :-) something we all need on a regular basis.

Today was chemo day and I slept through almost the whole treatment and I think I will sleep again soon. Thanks for caring enough read and keep up with the ongoing jig of my life. Thanks for your prayers and your love. Know you have mine, as well. Know I read your comments, both on and off the blog, and I hear your precious messages, and my heart smiles. Goodnight and, in the famous words of Tiny Tim, God bless us, everyone.
(Grin. Why not? I have my Eboneezer scrooge cap on and it's the season!)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Just couldn't wait to post

K and i are at md Anderson. With the weekly treatments we only see the oncologist once a month. Today is one of those days and it was a good visit. Dr shah feels k is responding well to the new treatment. The pink shade is all but gone and the breast and lymph node lumps seem noticeably smaller. K and I see all this everyday so sometimes we don't have a reference point but today it seemed obvious. Great news in the fight! A real pick me up. I've been worrying so much about her lately. Headed to the car to hide in the trunk and cry a happy cry. Lol

Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Good Day

I am oh so tired, but I haven't posted in a while and thought I'd share a thought or two.
I have had a wonderful day. My friend, Lori, is in town. She lives in Denver and I only get to see her a couple times a year. Allie came home from Tampa to see me and Richie last night and stayed a good part of the day, and tonight I got to see both of my nieces on Richard's side which was a great treat.

Allie was stressed today. (For those who don't know, she is my daughter, shared with three other parents :-) Richard, her mom, Kristin, her step dad Craig, and me.) She seemed a little sad as the day passed and it is tugging at my heart. I think some of it has to do with me being sick and her heading off to South Africa to see her mom tomorrow. She is going for the whole break. Richard and I will miss seeing her on Christmas, but it is going to be a great trip for her. She will get to experience a whole new culture, tour a college she's considering for a Master's program, and see her mom, sister, and Craig.
But it's still the whole break. She's a free spirit who's learned to ground herself by keeping the pace of her life such that she doesn't have to scramble. So going away for her whole break kinda disturbs her peace because it puts her back home just in time to jump back into school. Plus she's flying 20 hours. Plus she's just wrapped up her finals and is mentally fried. So all these factors are weighing on her and she's carrying too much worry around on her little shoulders. And yet...fretting over this upcoming trip didn't keep her from giving me the sweetest gift today. She hand painted a glass jar and filled it with little written notes all folded up. She tells me some of the notes are wise quotes, some are thoughts of hers about things we've experienced together and some are bits of encouragement. I read one today and will read one each day she is gone. It is one of the loveliest gifts I've ever received. :-)

This new chemo is going well. Yes, I have several blueish toenails :-) a few of which are less than a hundred percent attached, but my fingernails are all still healthy. Also, I am no longer sick to my stomach. The worst thing so far has been a bout of itchiness. The second worst thing is physical fatigue. The third worst is my strange internal combustions when steam seems to come off my head! Ok, and my face is starting to swell from the steroids. But in general I feel much better than I'd expected, and I'm three down with ten more to go.

I keep myself up by not dwelling too much on my treatments and having things to look forward to, like this visit from Lori, and quality time with my family (like the other night when my mom came and made me a real German dinner, and dinner's at Rosemary's, aka the grill meister's), and Christmas eve which will be spent with both mine and Richard's side of my family :-) and the upcoming visit from Goldie's Angels!

Some days are hard. This wasn't one of them. Good night, and God bless!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Three Treatments Down!

Sorry for my late post, Kimberly had her 3rd of 13 treatments Monday.  This is the very first one that I missed completely.  She came out of it pretty worn out but otherwise did well.  Today she got up and other than the cold weather she seems to be doing pretty well.  Seems like drinking plenty of water is even more important with the new drug.  Getting it out of the system seems so relieve the tingling and numbness in Kimberly's fingers and toes.

That is all that I can think of at the moment.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tis the Season

Mostly I just live life one day at a time. I think this is best. I wake up each day refreshed and ready for the day. With enough--like God's Manna. But if you recall, Manna wasn't to be held in reserve for later days. And so is my get-up-and-go reserved for the day. Sometimes I take a peek around the corner and start imagining what's next and I get totally overwhelmed. Ten more weeks of chemo. Pet scan--i.e. Will the chemo have worked? Will I go on to the next step? I don't want to think about this stuff not working. And if it is working, there'll be surgery. Recovery from surgery. Radiation.
Whoa. Take a breath. Today is a good day. I have enough for today. More than enough. the I Love Lucy episode where Lucy and Ethel are working the assembly line at the chocolate factory, life is speeding up on me. Of course it is--It's the holiday season. Everyone feels the pinch as they shuffle their hours to make time for shopping and cards and decorating and parties. I am trying, but I just can't seem to keep up. You know the dream where it's Christmas eve and you haven't finished Christmas shopping? This might be the year for me it actually comes true.
Every day my list of want-to-do's gets longer as the-day-before's undones pile up. Lately it seems I can either accomplish a few things or visit/call my friends and family and check my email. But I can't seem to do both. In truth, I can't even tackle one or the other a hundred percent.

What weighs on me are the people I feel slipping through the cracks of my day. I so want every special person in my life to know how much they mean to me. To know how much I think of this one's phone message, that one's home cooked meal, another's heart felt card, and emails and facebook wall posts. So I plan to catch up tomorrow and I get up and make a little headway on the housework and the holidays and the people I love and then the day is gone and I haven't gotten anywhere. I'm heading the wrong way on the airport people mover. I'm riding the down escalator up. I got on the elevator when the doors opened on a 30 story building and figured out after the doors closed I'm heading in the wrong direction.
I am falling short and I'm not even working. How is this possible? I actually feel very stressed and anxious over this while simultaneously rolling my eyes at myself. Hello? How can you allow yourself to feel overwhelmed when countless others undergoing cancer treatment have to manage all this while working, while caring for kids, while....the list goes on.

Please forgive me for my dour outlook. Tomorrow I will shake it off. Tonight I vow to go to bed early. I will wake up with more energy. My dogs will not miss their walk tomorrow. Tomorrow I will finally catch up.